Alternatives To Vasectomy

Learn about alternatives To vasectomy

Vasectomy is by far not the only safe form of contraception. There are plenty of alternatives. Also, there have been great developments on the contraceptive market.

Modern LARCs as reversible alternatives

alternatives to a no scalpel vasectomy at TVVS

Patients not entirely sure about their decision should definitely look into so called “LARCs”, which stands for Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives. While Vasectomy is the only safe contraceptive for the man (condoms are not safe in terms of contraception, but are one of the few options in terms of sexually transmitted illnesses), there are a number of safe contraceptives for ladies. 2 of the best ones are the Mirena Coil and the Nexplanon Implant. Interstingly female sterilisation is not considere very safe anymore, certainly less safe than the implant and probably also than the Mirena Coil.

Safety Profile Of A Vasectomy Compared With Other Forms Of Contraception

Contraceptive Method Failures per 1000 women over 10 years* Comment Failure User Dependent?
Pill 100-300 Combined Pill considered overall safer than Mini Pill YES
Condoms ?100-500 Highly User Dependent YES

Implant (Nexplanon)

? (nearly) as safe as vasectomy? Considered Very Safe & Safest Female Contraception – change every 3 years NO
Depo Injection 14 Use usually only recommended for up to 3 years due to Osteoporosis risk, but very good for period control. NO
Female Sterilisation 18 Failure rates higher than previously thought. Considered permanent. NO
Vasectomy 0.5-0.05* *1st figure before, 2nd figure after Semen Sample Confirmation of Sterility.
Considered permanent
Mirena Coil (IUS) 11 Very Safe Female Method with additional benefits of reduction of periods and Endometrial Cancer NO
Copper Coil (IUD) 18 Non-Hormonal, good for up to 10 years. Slightly increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. NO
Cap, Female Condoms etc Unclear, but higher Highly user dependent YES
Withdrawal Unclear, but higher Highly user dependent. Considered risky YES

**figures researched in good faith and based on John Guillebauds contraceptive research / work, but can vary depending on a multitude of factors