Real Time Patient Vasectomy Ratings

Real Time Patient Vasectomy Ratings

 Year by year comparison of patient reviews of our Vasectomy Services

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We now use star ratings

Find below real time stats of our Vasectomy Service over the last 14 years. All patients are emailed feedback review questionnaires after their procedure. As soon as a patient completes a feedback review questionnaire it is added to the analysis below real time. Patient comments are published in the more detailed reports annually. For more detailed feedback and patient comments, please click here.

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Booking Experience

Review of the office in booking your appointment, communicating and explaining questions you may have had, sending you forms, appointment times, text message reminders etc.

Consultation / Webinar

Review of the quality of your vasectomy consultation / webinar? Was it thorough and did you understand the content of the presentation? Did we address your questions and concerns? Were we honest in explaining what needed doing? Did we inspire confidence? *

Vasectomy Surgery

Review of the procedure: During the operation, was the doctor and the nurse caring, involve you and explained things as they were happening? Did we involve you in your treatment and not talk over you head? Did you feel the surgery was carried out competently?


Review of our Vasectomy Aftercare: Were the aftercare instructions well explained on the video? Were you able to rest on your own, did the nurse ensure there was no outstanding questions before discharge?

Service Overall

Review of our No-scalpel vasectomy service overall How does your No-Scalpel Vasectomy compare with other health experiences you may have had?

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