Vasectomy Referrals 2024 – changes made to the referral process for BOB ICB

Changes to the NHS vasectomy referral process for BOB ICB

We have tried to greatly simplify the referral process for GPs. Find below a link to our most up to date referral form as a Word document. Click here for the current referral form in Word or here for the same form as .pdf.

How can GPs save time referring to TVVS?

Common issues in General Practice

“I did not have the time to take a history” Don’t worry, just attach a printout of the medical history to the referral and we will do the rest. The completion of the referral form questions is appreciated, but not absolutely vital. Our specialist triage nurses will do this work for you

“I only spoke to my patient on the phone and could not examine them”: Dont worry, we will examine them for you. Don’t worry, our doctors will examine your patient for you.

“I am not sure whether or not the patient is suitable, and would like to have a 2nd opinion”: Don’t worry, just refer him to us and we will assess your patient for suitability. However, please let us know your specific concerns in the referral form.

Changes to the referral process in detail


Now (TVVS)

Previous (Marie Stopes)

Single Anticoagulant

Refer to TVVS

Refer to hospital

Double Antigoagulants

Wait until patient back on 1 anticoagulant or refer to hospital

Refer to hospital

Allergy to local anaesthetic

Point out on referral form, but refer to TVVS

Refer to hospital

haemophilia, haemoptysis, thalassaemia or Von Willebrand Disease

Refer to TVVS in first instance for triage. We will talk to the patient and if we cannot carry out the vasectomy we will let you know

Refer to Hospital

Age < 30 years

Refer to TVVS – we will put on young patient pathway

Additional Counselling by GP

Cardiac pacemaker in situ

Refer, but let us know

Additional Counselling by GP

Depression or Anxiety

Refer to TVVS

Additional Counselling by GP

Scrotal mass under investigation

Complete investigation, then refer to TVVS with information

Postpone referral

Current genito-urinary or systemic infection

Refer to TVVS (we will wait until infection settled)

Postpone referral

Unstable hypertension

Refer to TVVS, but get Hypertension sorted out at the same time

Postpone referral

Unable to isolate the vas

Refer to TVVS, but let us know on the referral form

Refer to Urology

Previous scrotal injury

Refer to TVVS

Refer to Urology

AIDS / HIV or Hepatitis C

Refer to TVVS with information on referral form or attached to referral

Refer to Urology

Large varicocele or large Hydrocele

Refer to TVVS for assessment

Refer to Urology