Surgeons Working With TVVS

Working with TVVS

The advantage of working with us in a nutshell: High income, high quality, safe procedures and a lovely work environment.

The disadvantage of working with TVVS: Our high professional standards mean patients go first and we view most cancellations of clinics by surgeon as lack of professionalism (say for a viral illness of the doctor or a dependent). Dr Kittel has cancelled very few clinics in 20 years and tried to find replacement surgeons when admitted to hospital.

The expectation of TVVS: A highly professional individual with an exemplary attendance record, who wants to earn good money and provide an excellent service to patients at all times.

The detail:

  • TVVS will usually expect the surgeon to provide a full day of vasectomies i.e. 7-8 hrs and use 1-2 rooms and nurses.
  • We will usually provide at least 14-16 patients, more depending on the speed of the surgeon.
  • TVVS will pay the doctor a subcontractors fee per completed  vasectomy, usually £100 per completed vasectomy.
  • For this fee patients are generally already counselled and all forms are completed. The subcontractor only carries the vasectomy and some aftercare related enquiries (most done by office, but where your support is required) plus the clearing of semen sample results for your patients in an online process.
  • This will equal £1400-£1600 per day, more if the subcontractor works faster. So, if you can do more hours or more cases you will get paid more. Say, you work 10 hours and do a vasectomy every 20 minutes you would get £3000.
  • The great advantage of working with TVVS is the efficient organisation leading to very high income levels for surgeons and the reduction of time inefficiencies leading to reduction of income or quality.
  • Faster surgeons will get 2 rooms with 2 nurses (minimum 20 minutes per procedure) as capacity allows.
  • Slower surgeons (30 minutes and more per procedure) will get 1 nurse and 1 room.
  • The subcontractor can use the TVVS learning facilities on teamnet for their own updates, appraisal and revalidation and download documentation for their own purposes. They have, at all time, access to all the documents on teamnet, which includes TVVS policies and procedures as well as learning modules and certification documents including the NHS indemnity certification.
  • We expect the doctor to provide vasectomies to a sufficient standard as outlined in the self employment contract here.
  • The contract is kept to a standard to satisfy IR35 rules, but the subcontractor is advised to check themselves to ensure IR35 rules can be applied to their situation.
  • All doctors must keep their mandatory training up to date as per contract.
  • The doctor works as subcontractor and is wholly and professionally responsible for the completion of the assignment. Most subcontractors will work as sole traders.
  • The doctor / surgeon provided by the subcontractor (usually they are one and the same person) has an excellent command of English. Our consent processes are online and patients must be able to perfectly understand the information given.
  • Once a list is accepted the doctor must carry out the booked vasectomies or supply an alternative sub-contractor of sufficient quality.
  • TVVS reserves the right to decline a replacement doctor / surgeon should they not meet TVVS standards and the standards set out in the subcontractors contract.
  • TVVS provides a large amount of the work most surgeons have to usually do themselves (or their practices) i.e. patient booking, patient counselling and consenting, very safe pathways and processes, state of the art building, a good room, recovery rooms for patients, patient information videos, public liability insurance, NHS indemnity cover, sterilised vasectomy kit, computers with a clinical patient database, which can be accessed online, a mandatory training suite and lots more. You can also use the certificates from our training suite for any other job you are in and download it for your appraisal.
  • The doctor is not an employee, but a sub-contractor. TVVS reserves the right to charge the sub-contractor a re-booking fee for cancellation of work of £25 per cancelled patient. This is a contribution for the large management overheads we have. A cancelled clinic costs a whole staff member, sometimes loss of business, loss of reputation, empty premises with high ongoing costs (premises cost is about £1000 per day) contracts management issues (our ICB contracts do not allow for cancellation more than once or delays in seeing patients more than 30 minutes after the appointment time).
  • Please review the self employed contract document attached to this website before applying for a position with TVVS.

The 3 step process to become a vasectomy surgeon with TVVS:

  1. Initially we will ask you to complete an application form and provide a CV and some vasectomy documentation (i.e. a certificate etc)
  2. An interview will consist of a visit to the clinic, a conversation, a participation in one of Dr Kittel’s NHS clinics and one or more vasectomy operations.
  3. Once we invite you to become a surgeon you do need to complete a whole suite of mandatory training modules in your own time prior to starting or provide alternative certificates from another provider. Our suite is hosted on Clarity Teamnet, which you can directly connect to your appraisal and the RCGP.