Consent and other important vasectomy considerations

Consent and other considerations

consentConsent before a vasectomy is extremely important. In some ways, it is more important to consent to a vasectomy (which results in a permanent loss of fertility) than to a heart transplant (where a patient often has not much of a choice to survive). In order for me to be able to carry out the procedure you need to be able to give valid consent to a vasectomy

Capacity, voluntary agreement and information as important milestones for consent

In order for you to be able to give valid consent the following 3 parameters need to be fulfilled:

  1. You need to have “Capacity”
  2. You need to consent voluntarily
  3. You need to get enough information about the risks involved to make this decision

About (1) “Capacity” means, you are above age and are able to make this decision. For example, a person lacking “capacity”, for example a severely mentally disabled person may need a court order for a vasectomy to be carried out. However, we will consider every case by its own merits.

About (2) “Voluntarily” means you are not under undue pressure by a third party to make this decision.

About (3) Enough information, according to guidelines by the department of health (DOH), means you are aware of

  • The purpose of vasectomy (Why)
  • You are aware of alternative forms of contraception (i.e. condoms, or for your partner the pill, coil, implant, injection etc. You can get more information about alternative from your GP, family planning clinics or the Family Planning Association (
  • You know benefits & risks (Why not)
  • You are made aware of any parttaking in research (Wider Need)
  • You are given the right not to take part in research (No acceptance of wider need)
  • Where appropriate you are made aware about staff and students (Who)
  • Non-NHS patients are aware of vasectomy cost (How much)
  • Conflicts of interest (Why not)
  • You are made aware of other treatments of greater potential benefit (Why not)

Please now click here to read the DOH guidelines…