Sex after vasectomy
There are a lot of questions regarding sex after vasectomy and sexual function following vasectomy. We hear them in our weekly webinars with our patients seeking a no-scalpel procedure with TVVS. In the following Dr M Kittel lists the most common questions and answers. He explains the truth and cleans up some myths.
Essential points:
As you are considering getting a vasectomy it is likely that you want to enjoy sex without the worries and risks of pregnancy for your partner.
You may be considering the recovery period and your thoughts are focused around sex and when you can begin to enjoy sex again.
- A vasectomy is over 99.5% effective and does not affect your ability to have sex. The procedure does not cause any hormonal changes in the body, because the testosterone production of the testicles is unaffected by vasectomy. All vasectomy does is interrupt the vas, which is the tube transporting the sperm.
- After the procedure, you will likely need to wait for a few days before you begin to have sex again. On average most patients begin to have sex 7-10 days after the procedure.
- It is important to remember that you will still have live sperm in your semen tubes which will be flushed out of the system during your ejaculations following the vasectomy procedure.
- We recommend a minimum of 30 ejaculations until we arrange semen analysis 20 weeks after the procedure.
- You will need to use additional contraception to avoid pregnancy until your clinician tells you that your tubes are free from live sperm.
- A vasectomy should be considered to be a permanent form of contraception. Even though a reversal procedure is possible successful reversal cannot be guaranteed.
- A reversal is not covered by the NHS and the success rate depends on the time interval between the vasectomy procedure and the reversal procedure.
Do Men Feel Pleasure After Vasectomy?
The feeling of sexual pleasure is unchanged after vasectomy. In fact the removal of stress of getting your partner pregnant can enhance the feeling of pleasure and freedom during sex.
Can I ejaculate normal after vasectomy?
Semen is made in your prostate gland, sperm in your testicles. All that is missing is your sperm. Your semen makes up 93% – 97% of your ejaculate and this is unchanged. So you ejaculate just like you did before.
Are erections the same after vasectomy = Is it hard to stay hard after vasectomy?
Your erections are the same after vasectomy. Vasectomy is not known to cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile disfunction is a complex condition usually caused by a variety of issues including inflammation, psychology, age, circulation, prostatic hypertrophy. In uncommon cases of longer term complications after vasectomy or psychological issues after vasectomy Erectile Dysfunction can become an issue. On many occasions sex is happier and the freedom of not worrying about pregnancy can also lead to better erections.
Does sex or ejaculating feel different for a man after vasectomy?
Generally for the very large majority of men (including the author of this article, who had a vasectomy) sex feels exactly the same for a man after vasectomy than before vasectomy. Generally, as there is no worry about contraception, it actually feels more liberating and less stressful, so sex may even get better. There are no physical side effects from vasectomy during sex. Some men can get post vasectomy pain, probably about 1:500 and rarely men can get psychological side effects from vasectomy. In those men it may feel different. Generally, most men (98-99%) walk out of the vasectomy with no perceptible change at all.
Does sex or ejaculating feel different for a woman after vasectomy in her partner?
The short answer is “No”, sex does not feel different for a woman after her partner had a vasectomy
Does a man change after vasectomy?
A man, who had a vasectomy, changes no differently than any other man. Of course, we all age, but the testicles don’t shrink, the penis does not change, the hormone levels (testosterone) is not known to alter. In vasectomy, only the tube that transports sperm gets interrupted. The testicles (=balls, testes) are left alone. It is the testicles that produce testosterone. Vasectomy itself is designed to interrupt the transport of sperm, not to stop the testicles producing testosterone. Some men may get side effects after a vasectomy like post vasectomy pain (1:500) or psychological side effects and those men may change negatively as a result of vasectomy. The very large majority of men does not change or they feel better and less worried after vasectomy, feel more freedom and enjoy the liberation from the worry about pregnancy.
Can you tell a man had a vasectomy?
The scar for a no scalpel procedure is so small, it is difficult or near impossible to tell a man had a vasectomy. Most men heal within 1-2 weeks and after that it gets increasingly harder to tell that there was even an incision. The scrotum tends to heal so well, there is often no sign at all. When a man has an operation say for undescended testicles or hernia, there is often a big scar. But in No scalpel vasectomy the scar is so small, it tends to disappear in most men. Certainly, my own scar is completely invisible. For experts there can in some patients be a sign of vasectomy, which is called the “hockey stick deformity”. This is a small angle in the vas deferens where it was interrupted. This could be felt in some, but not all men after vasectomy. Another thing that may be felt is the small interruption of the vas. But not even all doctors can feel this and it largely depends on the thickness of the scrotal skin, the diameter of the vas and a lot of other factors to actually be able to determine there is an interruption. Also, other conditions, like spermatoceles, can also cause buckling in the vas. In summary, it is almost impossible in most men to see they had a vasectomy by looking at the scrotum. Some people may be able to feel when a man had a vasectomy.
What colour is the ejaculate (= semen, sperm, cum, jizz) after vasectomy?
The colour of the semen remains unchanged. The absence of 3%-7% of sperm does not cause a significant colour change. The colour is the usual off white greyish colour sperm has in unvasectomised men. The colour, consistency and volume of sperm is affected by a lot of factors. Vasectomy is a minor factor, not a major one. Other more important factors are time since the last ejaculation, food (beetroot, tumeric, garlic) and the need to urinate all can affect the colour of semen. However, if semen is red (like blood or altered blood) it is important to seek medical support. This is a phenomenon called haematospermia, which can have serious underlying causes and needs to be looked at by a doctor.
How long should you wait with sex, masturbation and ejaculation after vasectomy?*
At Thames Valley Vasectomy Services we recommend patients to wait with sex and masturbation for a week for 2 reasons:
- Initially after vasectomy the area of interruption is healing, slightly inflamed, slightly tender and a bit sore. It is not advisible to let sperm go over the area. Therefore we try to avoid ejaculation for a week.
- The thrusting and pushing during sex on the scrotum can cause swelling and bleeding and that is the other reason not to have sex. Masturbation may be gentler, but it is also not recommended as explained above.
However, some men call us back with pain after vasectomy because they have waited too long before ejaculating. In some men the lack of ejaculation can cause pain. Dr Kittel recommends to start ejaculating with a frequency of 3 x a week during the second week after vasectomy. If you cannot feel any pain you can then increase frequency as you are comfortable.
* Glossary of terms (=Explanation of words):
- Sex = Sexual intercourse = Making Love
- Ejaculation = “Cumming”, “jizzing”, “having an orgasm”
- Masturbation = “wanking”
Do I last longer after vasectomy?
Generally, vasectomy does neither shorten nor prolong your ability to have sex, but this should in the large majority of cases stay the same. How long you are lasting is more to do with psychological factors. Where vasectomy brings relief from previous stress about pregnancy it may well enhance your sexual function. Generally vasectomy should neither increase nor reduce your ability to have sex. If you are already on ED drugs before you have a vasectomy it will not stop this need. Generally, with increasing age sexual performance decreases in the general population due to a variety of factors, mainly cirulatory.
Further reading:
UK: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/contraception/vasectomy-male-sterilisation/
US: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/vasectomy/what-can-i-expect-if-i-have-vasectomy
Clinical questions: https://vasectomy.me.uk/faq-clinical/
Personal questions: https://vasectomy.me.uk/faq-personal/
Vasectomy in a nutshell: https://vasectomy.me.uk/vasectomy

Dr M Kittel
Dr Kittel is the lead vasectomy surgeon for Thames Valley Vasectomy Services.