Thames Valley Vasectomy Services is committed to maintaining the highest standards in patient care. We appreciate feedback from our patients and visitors, whether it is commendatory or critical. All comments are thoughtfully evaluated to improve our services and facilities. Our primary objective is to deliver exceptional care to every individual who engages with our practice. Your feedback holds significant value to us, irrespective of its nature.
To lodge a complaint, please follow these steps:
For private patients, click here.
NHS patients, please continue reading…
For suggestions or complaints requiring a prompt response, please reach us by calling TVVS at 07973 66 33 55 or 01628 969077. We treat all complaints with urgency and strive to address them promptly. Every complaint, including verbal submissions, is discussed in our clinical governance meetings.
During your initial telephone conversation, kindly provide your details so our Practice Manager can follow up with you.
Please note that, due to the confidential nature of vasectomy, we can only engage with patients directly unless an advocacy situation arises. If a patient wishes for someone else to submit a complaint on their behalf, we require written consent. We will also confirm some security details when we return your call.
If we cannot resolve your complaint over the phone or if you remain dissatisfied and prefer to file a written complaint, we encourage you to review our complaints policy for formal complaint submission guidance.
Thames Valley Vasectomy Services
Practice Manager
The Bourne End Clinic,
12 Furlong Road,
Bourne End,
NHS patients: To initiate a formal complaint, it is advisable to review the complaints policy in advance, as there are government stipulations and patients should be cognizant of their rights. To access this policy, please click here.
Support can also be obtained by contacting the advocacy people: on this this link:
Finally, you may contact the Ombudsman. Their involvement will only occur if local resolutions are unsuccessful, and we will inform you of this option in our written response to your complaint.
Compliments and complaints
Thames Valley Surgical Services is devoted to upholding high standards in patient care. We carefully consider feedback from patients and visitors, consistently striving to enhance our services. Your perspectives are essential to us, whether they are affirmative or critical.