How To Make A Complaint

make a complaintFind below how to make a complaint

Private patients click here

NHS patients read on…

If you have a complaint and wish a quick and straightforward response, please let us know by phoning  TVVS on 07973 66 33 55 or our switchboard on 0345 2255 775. Please, be assured we will raise every single complaint, even verbal, right away and discuss it as quickly as possible. We will also bring every complaint, even verbal, to one of our clinical governance meetings.

During your initial phonecall you should leave your details in order that our manager Leanne can come back to you.

Please be aware that due to the confidential nature of vasectomy we can only deal with patients themselves unless there is an advocacy issue. If a patient wishes for another person to take up a complaint on his behalf, we need written AND verbal consent. On our return phonecall we will confirm some security information.

If you are not satisfied with our verbal response, please launch a formal complaint in writing emailing or more formally to the address displayed below. To allow for a swift process, please ensure written complaints are signed and dated.

Thames Valley Vasectomy Services
Practice Manager
The Bourne End Clinic, 12 Furlong Road, Bourne End, Bucks, SL85DG

NHS patients: To launch a formal complaint, it is advised to view the complaints policy first as there are government requirements for our organisation and you as a patient should know your rights. To view this policy, please click here.

You are also entitled to get support by contacting the Patient Advocacy Service SEAP on

Finally, you can call the Ombudsman. However, they will only become active if local resolutions have failed and we will inform you of this option in our written response to a written complaint.