Thames Valley Vasectomy Services

No Scalpel Vasectomy Clinic

Experienced SurgeonDr Kittel has performed 16000+ vasectomiesThe surgeonsTransparent costOur vasectomy costs £595. All in. Guaranteed. No hidden fees.Detailed costNo Scalpel TechniqueWe provide a gold standard open ended No-Scalpel Vasectomy.Good reasons for NSVFriendly nurses – happy teamFrom the first phonecall to the consultation and vasectomy, we want to make you feel welcomeOur happy TVVS teamWhat our patients sayRead 10 years of honest patient feedback. We publish it openly. Also check our Google reviews.Patient Feedback5-star ratingsLook at real time patient feedback data in numbers
(Page takes 30s to load)Real time dataMade Up Your Mind?Do you want to book a full vasectomy package, just a consultation or a semen sample for testing?Book NowBeautiful New ClinicOur beautiful new clinic in Bourne End provides calm and tranquilitySee our new clinic
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TVVS facts at a glance

Dr M Kittel, lead surgeon at TVVS

Read reviews from other patients

Look at ratings in numbers

Want to know where you are going before you book?

Sr Leanne introduces The Bourne End Clinic to our prospective vasectomy patients.

Surgical team: Dr Kittel, Sr Leanne & Dr Nicholls

Dr Kittel
Sr Leanne
Dr Nicholls
Dr Kittel

Recommended by other surgeons

Dr Kittel is the lead No-scalpel vasectomy surgeon at Thames Valley Vasectomy Services

Dr Kittel, lead surgeon

Our lead surgeon, Dr Kittel, is well known in London, the home counties and all over the UK for his skilled No-Scalpel Vasectomy technique. Henceforth, fellow surgeons, local urologists, doctors and thousands of patients recommend him.

Difficult cases

Above all, Dr K doesn’t shy away from difficult cases because he can complete almost all vasectomies. While other surgeons may have a 88% or 92% completion rate he has a 99.9% completion rate. For example,

Dr Kittel once performed a No Scalpel Vasectomy on a man who has had 2 vasectomies before and 2 reversals. Furthermore, he also successfully performed a third and very difficult procedure for a patient from Reading, whose surgeon had failed twice before.

Anxious patients

He further specialises in very anxious patients, because he is almost always able to provide success even in very nervous patients. This is further enhanced by the TVVS team, because TVVS nurses are specially trained in supporting patients through the procedure. But some patients are less suitable for vasectomy. Please read here to find out who

Previous problems with other surgeons?

Finally, Dr K is the go to surgeon for many when nobody else can do a No Scalpel Vasectomy on a particular patient. Why go elsewhere if you can see Dr Kittel?

Sr Leanne

Clinical Manager of TVVS and experienced senior Nurse

image of Sr Leanne, lead no-scalpel vasectomy nurse and manager at Thames Valley Vasectomy Services

Sr Leanne, Lead Nurse and Manager

Sister Leanne is an experienced manager, clinical lead and senior educator in the nurse profession. She ensures a smooth running of the service, because she takes great care and attention to detail. Her background is Trauma & Orthopaedic nurses and she is bringing a lot of experience in the competent management of all clinical issues to Thames Valley Vasectomy Services.

In the past, Leanne competently managed great care for spinal injuries patients, accident victims, fractures and other traumas. Now she is supporting us and the whole nurse and administrative team with her senior expertise and knowledge.

Dr Nicholls

Dr S Nicholls

Dr Nicholls is an experienced vasectomy surgeon with over 1000 vasectomies carried out. She started her career as a vasectomy surgeon in Australia. Now she supports a number of vasectomy clinics in the South East and even runs a vasectomy service on the Isle of Wight.

Top vasectomy review of the last 2 years

Positive vasectomy feedback of the year

“I have literally just arrived home after my procedure and wanted to say a massive thank you to Martin and his team. I had my first vasectomy in 2004, then a reversal 6 years later, so I’m confidently able to both comment and compare. My memories of the 2004 are an awkward environment, lots of pain, a long procedure and lots of swelling. However, today’s procedure was worlds apart. All the staff from day one have been polite, professional and friendly. Today I was put at ease and everything explained to me again.

To be honest during the procedure we all just chatted about random subjects and I barley even noticed Martin expertly working away. Before I knew it, the job was done and after getting a little info pack to take away with me I was on my way home. So, guys, if you need a vasectomy you really can’t do better than Martin and his team, ignore the historic horror stories you may have heard, this is state of the art and pain free a definite 5-star service.”

All Vasectomy Feedback

Thames Valley Vasectomy Services Ratings and Reviews

Real time ratings: Look at ratings in numbers (takes time to load!)

Annual reviews: Click here to evaluate all our Patient Vasectomy Reviews

We have 2 ways of feeding back: Ratings and reviews. We publish ratings instantly here and reviews annually here. Please note the ratings page takes a little while to load and reviews are not real time as we try to evaluate them and respond to them. Additionally you can check out our google reviews, too, which are real time. All reviews are brought to our clinical governance meetings at least annually for all staff to learn from them and implement good suggestions!

More No Scalpel Vasectomy Information

More Vasectomy Information

To find further detailed information about No Scalpel Vasectomy please browse the website thoroughly. It is noteworthy bleeding and infection account to the most common side effects of any surgery. Hence, we practice classical Li method, with special instruments.

Furthermore, we follow this method meticulously because it is the best way to reduce tissue trauma and injury to scrotal blood vessels. Finally, we reduce infection using meticulous antiseptic procedures.

On this website we particularly recommend you check the following pages:

If you want to know more about No Scalpel vasectomy clinically or to alleviate some concerns, click here

For more personal and emotional issues click here

For information on other forms of contraception (to get an idea what else may be possible): click here. You may particularly enjoy all the contraceptive options on a page, pros and cons in short.

For reasons not to have a vasectomy: click here

If you have read these 4 pages we think you are well informed about vasectomy. Additionally we will provide a pre-consent form with lots of individual questions and information and a webinar that goes over vasectomy in detail. All this together should provide an excellent preparation for vasectomy. By any means, dig deeper into this site, but the above should give you all you need.

For more specific information about our processes, watch the video below and also scroll to the bottom of the page.



Call Dr Kittels and Lim’s secretary directly on 07973 66 33 55. The clinic phone is 07973 66 33 11 (text only)

Our Telephone is manned as follows: Mon & Tue: 9am – 5pm. Wed 9pm – 3pm, Thu and Fri 9am – 5pm. Thus, if you cannot get an answer immediately, please leave a message. Furthermore, we will usually call you back within 1 working day. Over and above, in clinically urgent cases a doctor will call you back Monday – Sunday 8am-8pm within 4 hours. Importantly however, in case of any more urgent medical problem call 111 and in medical emergencies call 999.

To look at our Minor Surgery Page, click here

Lead Times
Lead Times

Lead time to appointments

Despite of high demand we can usually fit in patients very quickly at present. Contact Dr Kittel’s secretary directly on 07973 66 33 55


Initial Paperwork for Vasectomy and process

Before you even see us we will send you a number of documents and forms that you can complete online and that will save directly in your medical record:

  1. An appointment email with a link to our Welcome pack or – if you only come for a webinar / consultation – a “Welcome” email with a lot of information.
  2. You will get a text or email with a link to your webinar on the day of the webinar.
  3. An email with a link for the Application Form
  4. An email with a link for the Pre-consent Form
  5. Where requested / appropriate an email with a receipt for any payment

We ask you to complete both forms prior to Minor Surgery. Application Form: Dr Kittel understands what you want doing, has a good idea about your problem and knows your medical history. Pre-consent form: This consists of a number of informative statements. If you wish to discuss a statement further, please tick that you want to do so, print the pre-consent form and take it as a reminder list (statements you want to discuss further). Your signature does not mean you agree or are obliged to go ahead with surgery, but it means you have given all statements good consideration. Following the webinar you get a final consent form and a quiz to ensure you are well informed and give “informed consent”.


Webinar and optional 1-2-1 consultation

Our Webinar is scheduled weekly at 7pm UK time (GMT, obviously adjusted for DST). It is a set time and you can attend via Zoom from all over the world. Yes, we have had patients attending from the beach in Brazil! The webinar addresses 98% of the most common questions and is a way for us to be efficient and keep prices low. However, AFTER you have attended the webinar, we give you the option to attend an optional telephone or a face to face appointment with Dr Kittel or one of the clinical staff if there are outstanding questions or an examination is needed.


Worried about a vasectomy?

Its normal to worry about vasectomy. Read the FAQ sections on this website and attend a webinar. It is strangely re-assuring for patients with anxiety to see other men in the same position. It is also reassuring to see your surgeon is just a human being, who means well and to experience the friendlyness of the whole team.


Payment policy

All payment is in advance. We use really tight policies to keep prices low. Unless you have already paid online we ask you to pay for your webinar (£95) and / or a downpayment for your vasectomy appointment (£295) at the time of booking. We will then send you a final payment link a week before your surgery date. Our policy for non-attendance and late cancellations very are tight. Please ensure you are fully aware and informed. Generally, changes up to a week before your appointment are easy. Changes under a week are expensive. Please read our cancellation policy.


We dont see why we should have to increase our prices and you as a patient having to subsidise other patients running late, cancelling last minute, half empty clinics etc. In order you do not miss an appointment it is very important to check all correspondence from us, particularly appointment confirmation emails / SMS and the reminder SMS / email 2 days before your appointment to ensure what is in your diary is in line with what is in our diary.

As you can see on this website we are not a big corporate, but we want to give you a “family feel”. With us you book an “economy class” experience, that is very friendly and safe. We will provide good quality surgery with an excellent surgeon and a lovely team, but less flexibility. We have excellent. If you want to have a “Business Class” experience, book at the Spire and pay more. Treat our service like an economy flight. If you arrive late at an airport the plane is gone. So arrive early or book a hotel if you come from far away as you would for a holiday. And traffic can be busy around Maidenhead, just like around Heathrow airport.


Normal, healthy individuals without chronic conditions or reduced immune response are safe to attend vasectomy if they have a viral illness including a cough, cold, sore throat whatever the cause. Causes can include RSV (respiratory syncithial virus) or COVID as long as you have no fever. Please wear a face mask when you attend to avoid infecting others. If you have a fever or had a fever in the 24 hrs before surgery it is not safe to attend, but we cannot insure you for this event (as this would mean we would have to increase our overall fees for everyone). We will however give a partial refund if you supply us with an official letter by a UK GP confirming a high temperature or other sickness. If in doubt about attending, please phone us.

