The Worlds First RFS-NSV (radiofrequency sealed No-Scalpel Vasectomy)

The new radiofrequency sealed No-Scalpel Vasectomy (RSF-NSV)


Dr Kittel  introduces a new method which he has developed since the beginning of 2023. His question: Can I continue to do my traditional No-Scalpel Vasectomy method, but add processes to make it even safer? The answer: The new radiofrequency sealed No-Scalpel Vasectomy.

How does the new radiofrequency sealed No-Scalpel Vasectomy work?

What is new:

  • A piece of your own body tissue is placed between the upper and lower end of the interrupted vas. We do this to avoid the vas ends from re-joining. Re-joining of the vas ends is called micro-recanalisation and is a major cause of vasectomy failure. We do NOT use a clip or suture or any other foreign bodies to secure the tissue around the vas. We only use radiofrequency (a very precise heat source) to stick your natural body tissues together.
  • We seal the upper end (we call it the prostatic or proximal end) of the vas using radiofrequency. We do this to avoid re-entry of any sperm. Again, no stitch around the vas, no clip, no foreign bodies, just radiofrequency keeping the whole process natural with your own body tissues.

What remains:

Same safe Local anaesthetic as before

  • Only one keyhole
  • No stitches at all (unless surgically required)
  • Vas is interrupted
  • 1cm safety piece is removed
  • A minimum of 2cm external cautery is applied (unless anatomically impossible)
  • Overall 3cm minimum interruption between both ends (unless anatomically impossible)
  • Guaranteed at least the same safety as before.

Why no stitches or clips?

Stitches and clips are foreign bodies and the concern is higher infection rates, foreign body granulomas, chronic pain etc. These concerns well documented Confidentially to me, one particular very experienced UK vasectomy colleague stopped using stitches and fascial interposition after he got all the above side effects very frequently and went back to the previous open ended NSV even risking slightly higher reversal rates.


We do not have any safety data yet (it takes 20 weeks = 5 months from starting a new method to receiving the first data). We guarantee, however, the new method of RFS-NSV (radiofrequency sealed No-Scalpel Vasectomy) is as least as safe as the previous method used, but very likely significantly safer.

Q: Can I request the previous method?

A: Yes you can. The previous method was brought to the UK in the 1990ies by a lady called Laurel Spooner who studied it at Engender Health in New York. She was my coach and is now retired. However, I would recommend you using the new method.

Q: Does the new method take you longer?

A: Yes, by about 60-90 seconds

Previous patients:

Q: I am one of your former patients and have received a vasectomy with your previous method. Am I just as safe?

A: Yes, once your semen sample confirms you are sterile we believe you are safe with any method used. Late failure is uncommon and vasectomy remains one of the safest contraceptive methods in the world.